Convert 38 Grams to Ounces (g to oz) with our conversion calculator and conversion tables. To convert 38 g to oz use direct conversion formula below. 38 g = 1.3403880070547 oz. You also can convert 38 Grams to other Weight (popular) units.
1.3403880070547 OUNCES
Direct conversion formula: 1 Grams * 28.35 = 1 Ounces
Opposite conversion: 38 Ounces to Grams
Check out conversion of 38 g to most popular weight units:
38 g to Kilograms 38 g to Pounds 38 g to Milligrams 38 g to Tons (metric) 38 g to Carats
GRAMS OUNCES 38.09 g = 1.3435626102293 oz 38.1 g = 1.3439153439153 oz 38.2 g = 1.347442680776 oz 38.27 g = 1.3499118165785 oz 38.3 g = 1.3509700176367 oz 38.36 g = 1.3530864197531 oz 38.37 g = 1.3534391534392 oz 38.5 g = 1.358024691358 oz 38.7 g = 1.3650793650794 oz 38.75 g = 1.3668430335097 oz 38.78 g = 1.3679012345679 oz 38.8 g = 1.36860670194 oz 38.81 g = 1.3689594356261 oz 38.86 g = 1.3707231040564 oz 38.9 g = 1.3721340388007 oz 38.91 g = 1.3724867724868 oz 38.92 g = 1.3728395061728 oz 38.95 g = 1.373897707231 oz 39.05 g = 1.3774250440917 oz 39.15 g = 1.3809523809524 oz