More information from the unit converter
How many cable in 1 nautical mile? The answer is 9.9936109959939. We assume you are converting between cable [British] and mile [nautical, international]. You can view more details on each measurement unit: cable or nautical mile The SI base unit for length is the metre. 1 metre is equal to 0.0053961182483768 cable, or 0.00053995680345572 nautical mile. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between cable [British] and nautical miles. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!
Quick conversion chart of cable to nautical mile
1 cable to nautical mile = 0.10006 nautical mile
5 cable to nautical mile = 0.50032 nautical mile
10 cable to nautical mile = 1.00064 nautical mile
20 cable to nautical mile = 2.00128 nautical mile
30 cable to nautical mile = 3.00192 nautical mile
40 cable to nautical mile = 4.00256 nautical mile
50 cable to nautical mile = 5.0032 nautical mile
75 cable to nautical mile = 7.50479 nautical mile
100 cable to nautical mile = 10.00639 nautical mile
Want other units?
You can do the reverse unit conversion from nautical mile to cable, or enter any two units below:
Common length conversions
cable to dong cable to mark twain cable to picometer cable to decimeter cable to fuss cable to metric mile cable to fist cable to furlong cable to parsec cable to shaku
Definition: Nautical mile
A nautical mile or sea mile is a unit of length. It is accepted for use with the International System of Units, but it is not an SI unit. The nautical mile is used around the world for maritime and aviation purposes. It is commonly used in international law and treaties, especially regarding the limits of territorial waters. It developed from the geographical mile.
Metric conversions and more
[BLOGURL] provides an online conversion calculator for all types of measurement units. You can find metric conversion tables for SI units, as well as English units, currency, and other data. Type in unit symbols, abbreviations, or full names for units of length, area, mass, pressure, and other types. Examples include mm, inch, 100 kg, US fluid ounce, 6'3", 10 stone 4, cubic cm, metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more!