To convert pounds to United States short tons, UK long tons and Metric tons, you may use the pounds to tons converter above.

Below, you will find information of how to convert pounds to US tons, how to convert pounds to UK tons and how to convert pounds to metric tons, including the formulas and example conversions.

How to convert pounds to US short tons?

1 Pound (lb) is equal to 0.0005 US short ton. To convert pounds to tons, multiply the pound value by 0.0005 or divide by 2000.

For example, to convert 2000 pounds to tons, multiply 2000 by 0.0005, that makes 1 ton is 2000 lbs.

pounds to US tons formula

US ton = pound * 0.0005

US ton = pound / 2000

1 Pound = 0.0005 US Short Ton

How to convert pounds to imperial (long) ton?

1 Pound (lb) is equal to 0.00044642857143 imperial ton. To convert pounds to imperial tons, multiply the pound value by 0.00044642857143 or divide by 2240.

pounds to UK tons formula

UK ton = pound * 0.00044642857143

UK ton = pound / 2240

1 Pound = 0.00044642857143 Imperial Ton

How to convert pounds to metric ton (tonne)?

1 Pound (lb) is equal to 0.00045359237 tonne. To convert pounds to tonnes, multiply the pound value by 0.00045359237 or divide by 2204.6226218.

pounds to tonnes formula

tonne = pound * 0.00045359237

tonne = pound / 2204.6226218

1 Pound = 0.00045359237 Metric Ton

What is a Pound?

Pound is a unit of mass in the imperial and United States Customary measurement systems. 1 Pound = 0.0005 US short ton, 1 pound = 0.00044642857143 UK long ton and 1 pound = 0.00045359237 tonne (metric ton). The symbol is "lb".

Please visit all weight and mass units conversion to convert all weight and mass units.
